Cocktails — collab

Double Lime Daiquiri

Double Lime Daiquiri

Thanks to our Friends at St Andrews Limes for this delicious Double Lime Daiquiri recipe...  Ingredients (makes 1) 60ml white rum 30ml lime juice 15ml Six Barrel Soda Lime Syrup Ice cubes Preparation Place ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice cubes; shake vigorously then strain into martini or coupe glass.

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Coffee Cherry Martini

Coffee Cherry Martini

Our Coffee & Cherry Syrup makes an incredible two ingredient martini! This is the perfect twist on a classic Espresso Martini...  Ingredients: 50ml Vodka 60ml Coffee & Cherry Syrup Method: Add both ingredients into a cocktail shaker with a scoop of ice and shake rigourously. Strain into a coupe glass. Garnish with coffee beans or maraschino cherries.

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